The press release from the COMPETE coalition that accompanied their white paper evaluating the performance of competitive electric markets using nearly two decades of empirical data. The study, “Evolution of the Revolution: The Sustained Success of Retail Electricity Competition,” found empirical data for key indicators demonstrate that the retail electric choice revolution has evolved successfully […]
AECT Position Paper on HB 2254
A one-page position paper from AECT outlining why HB 2254 unfairly limits customer choice, preventing Texans from having a product available that could best meet their electricity needs.
Electricity 101
A presentation by the Association of Electric Companies of Texas that provides an excellent background to the Texas electric market and an overview of the benefits of competition. The presentation accessible via the link is updated regularly.
Overview of TXU Energy and the Competitive Retail Electric Market
A presentation from February 2014 that provides an overview of TXU Energy and the Texas competitive electric market.